Lecture: Planting for bees – a talk by Rosi Rollings


Which plants attract the most bees? About this event   In 2011, Rosi Rollings wanted to start a plant nursery dedicated to 'plants for bees' but didn't know much about it so she embarked on eight years of observations and formal research. Rosi has now produced a 6 year study of which plants suit which […]


Lecture: SPRING BUILD UP with Marin Anastasov, Master Beekeeper, NDB


Preparing for successful spring build up - Marin Anastasov, Master Beekeeper, NDB As the seasons go from autumn to winter, and from winter to spring, the colony undergoes significant changes in the physiology of its inhabitants. This ensures the bees have all they need to survive the winter and provides the foundations for productive colonies […]


Lecture: Asian Hornet


See your email for details and for the email address to register


Lecture: Desperate times and desperate measures – a talk by Heather Mattila


How honeybees defend themselves against attack by by giant asian hornets About this event Cambridgeshire Beekeepers' Association are delighted to welcome Professor Heather Mattila to discuss her latest research on how honey bees in South East Asia have developed strategies to protect their abundant stockpiles of food and the large colonies they sustain. In Asia, […]


63rd EWBA AGM 27/10/2021 at 7:30pm

The 63rd AGM of East Waterford Beekeepers Association will be held at Dunhill Ecopark Education Centre at 7:30pm on 27/10/2021. Notification will be sent to members soon. We have will have some vacant positions on the Committee and will be seeking nominations and proposals.

Lecture: Understanding Varroa resistant honey bees with Professor Stephen Martin


Understand the evolution of natural Varroa-tolerance mechanisms in various beekeeping populations. About this event Since the arrival of the Varroa mite from Asia, millions of honey bee colonies have died. For decades, beekeepers have continued to control Varroa populations by the use of chemicals and other invasive methods. However, throughout Africa and most of South […]


Lecture – Voluntary Conservation Areas in Ireland


East Waterford Beekeepers association will be hosting an online talk at 7.00pm on Wednesday 10 November on Voluntary Conservation Areas in Ireland for the Native Irish Honey Bee given by Aoife Nic Giolla Coda. Aoife is a co-founder and current chairperson of the Native Irish Honey Bee society https://nihbs.org/ East Waterford Beekeepers Association at their […]

Lecture: Chronic bee paralysis: An emerging disease of honey bees by Prof Giles Budge Essex Beekeepers


About this event Chronic bee paralysis is a serious disease of the honey bee that can manifest as symptoms in individual adult honey bees as well as whole colonies. Giles Budge will provide the historical context of chronic bee paralysis, introduce the causative virus and explain the symptoms before describing recent research that highlights the […]


Lecture Wednesday 18/01/2022..Bee Viruses


Wednesday 19th January, 8pm with Professor Robert Paxton Bee viruses past, present & future: impact & management Arguably the most serious threat to honey bees worldwide are viruses, some of which can also be found in other insect species. What is the evidence for spillover, what impact do they have and how can they be […]


Lecture at 7pm

A challenging season (2021) - what happened and why? with Geoff Blay MB Thursday, 20 January⋅19:00 – 21:00  Description:Geoff reflects on 2021’s unusual and challenging season and looks at what we lessons we can take from it to make the the coming year better. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-challenging-season-2021-what-happened-and-why-with-geoff-blay-mb-tickets-230249822417?aff=eand

Lecture – Wax Rendering and Candle Making

Dunhill Education Centre Dunhill Ecopark

Gavin Fitzpatrick will give a talk on rendering bees wax and candle making in Dunhill Education Centre at 7:30 Wednesday 26th October.


Dunhill Education Centre Dunhill Ecopark

The 64th AGM of the East Waterford Beekeepers' Association will be held on Wednesday November 16th 2022 in Dunhill Education Centre at 7:30.